Happy Mother’s Day: And Pi, HAPPY 6TH ANNIVERSARY!

Happy Mother's Day

To all my mom friends, to my mom, and to anyone out there that is dreaming of becoming a mom: Happy Mother’s Day.

Every Mother’s Day, mom’s around the world will wake up to little kids jumping in their beds, handmade cards sprinkling glitter all over their bed, homemade breakfast that is unidentifiable but made by their little hands, making it special.

Every Mother’s Day, mom’s look up at their husband, the father of her children, who is beaming from the bedroom doorway, soaking in the special moment.

He is in the doorway for a reason. Because as all moms will tell you, a day to sleep in without having the kids in sight is what we ask for. He is in the doorway because if mom picks up that vase of dandelions he is able to quickly retreat to a safe distance when she throws it.

Mom looks up at her husband with the nonverbal expression that says, “WTF??”

Mom puts on a smile for her kids, gives them big hugs and kisses, and behind their backs glares at her husband, “karma is a bitch, buddy!”

But not me! I am headed off to the beach, without the kids. Without the husband. Without the dog. I’ve got a pile of magazines to finish- maybe now I’ll get through Marie Claire’s Fall Fashion edition. I’ve got the book I started 3 months ago, bookmarked at chapter one, page 3.

I am going down to the beach to my parents beach house, to spend the weekend with my mom. We’ll go shopping! We’ll go to lunch! We’ll spend time together!

And on mother’s day I am going to wake up early and make a wonderful brunch for us!

And I will be hoping that she won’t wake up, glaring at my dad, nonverbal expression on her face saying, “WTF??”

Have a great crazy day!

ps- Happy 6th Anniversary Pi! Isn’t this better than hanging out in Vegas for our 5th Anniversary by yourself? 😉

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